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Showing posts from September, 2022

Three Great Visual Apps for Education

  Any student can relate to the overwhelming ennui of having to sit through a class’s lesson consisting of words, words, and more words. The bleak contrast of the black text against a white background almost forces the brain to shut down. Students cannot learn like this, and they certainly will not want to. For that reason alone, is why many great educators resort to a more visual, dynamic, and engaging approach to lessons with the help of technology. Thankfully, there is already a vast ocean of applications from which educators can pick what best suits their style.             In Millers’ (2020) Tech Like a Pirate , he mentions an app named Flipgrid (now named just Flip ) that can be used as a virtual whiteboard (pp. 38 – 39). Delving deeper into the Flip website showed that it is akin to Zoom or Microsoft Teams in the sense that groups can be created, and members can engage together with the use of either the camera or text. A leader can create topics or discussions so that members