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Creating a Lesson Using an LMS



    Having to create a lesson using an LMS was definitely a new experience for me. I finally got to see the instructor side of Canvas after the many semesters of using Canvas as a student. It was surely an interesting thing to see just how customizable the classes were. Usually, most classes that I have had on Canvas had a typical layout, even across different subjects. I immediately noticed how every single aspect of a Canvas class could be modified and arranged differently depending on the preferences of the instructor. Although, I could also see how customizing every single aspect of class would be time consuming or maybe unnecessary, but the possibility is there. 


    When it came to actually creating a lesson within Canvas for my “class”, I got inspiration from one of my actual current classes which is a biology lab. Since I plan on teaching high school biology, the academic level and language of my biology lab served as a good foundation for my own lesson. My job was then to make the lesson comprehensive and thorough. One thing that was paramount the creation of my lesson was my own understanding of what I wanted to teach. I chose a topic that I had recently learned about, and that I felt I had a good grasp of. On top of that, I did a bit of research just to solidify that the information I would be teaching is accurate. Afterwards, it was just arranging the lesson within a module that would be easy to follow for both in-person and online students. I made sure to have descriptive captions and instructions. I also added some pictures and videos to further help students really absorb the content. Another thing I added was a tutorial for the use of software, specifically Microsoft Excel since it was relevant to the lesson. 

    I felt satisfied with how the final product came out, however, I do believe that I could change certain aspects of the lesson in order to make it just a bit more engaging to students. Perhaps something that could add to the visual aspect of it or include an interactive program to help students study. Nonetheless, for a first attempt at creating a lesson in an LMS, I believe I did good. In the future, I am certain that I will gather more experience on how to create a lesson that will be engaging, interactive, and understandable.
