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Showing posts from November, 2022

What Digital Learning Means to Me

     Prior to taking the class, Technology in an Instructional Setting, I had only surface level knowledge on how incorporated technology really was when it came to education. I was always more familiar with, and sometimes even preferred, having a pencil and paper to write or do work with. This was especially true when it came to my academic life before high school graduation. Most, if not all, of my high school classes involved work with pencil and paper. Teaching methods did vary with some teachers incorporating technology into their lessons; however, a lot of the student work lacked a technology aspect. When technology did play a part in student work, it was usually reserved for bigger assignments or projects. Often times it involved presentations from a PowerPoint.              Starting college, I did not notice much change in the work style compared to high school. I still went to class, sat down, and got my pen and notebook out. Yet, there was one big technological difference t

Creating a Lesson Using an LMS

                Having to create a lesson using an LMS was definitely a new experience for me. I finally got to see the instructor side of Canvas after the many semesters of using Canvas as a student. It was surely an interesting thing to see just how customizable the classes were. Usually, most classes that I have had on Canvas had a typical layout, even across different subjects. I immediately noticed how every single aspect of a Canvas class could be modified and arranged differently depending on the preferences of the instructor. Although, I could also see how customizing every single aspect of class would be time consuming or maybe unnecessary, but the possibility is there.            When it came to actually creating a lesson within Canvas for my “class”, I got inspiration from one of my actual current classes which is a biology lab. Since I plan on teaching high school biology, the academic level and language of my biology lab served as a good foundation for my own lesson. My jo

Three Microsoft 365 Apps for Engaging Learners

  When it comes to schoolwork, many students are greatly familiar with Microsoft 365 and its many popular applications like Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. They have been the pinnacle of a student’s work whether they needed to make a presentation, write an essay, create a graph, or anything in between. However, Microsoft 365 is more than just those three softwares. Other applications like Teams, Outlook, and OneDrive can prove beneficial by acting as a bridge for collaboration in a student-to-teacher and student-to-student setting. Here, the focus will be on three select applications that are versatile for all students and learning scenarios. Microsoft Word             In a learning environment, students will inevitably have to write, and Word will be there for them to fulfill their formatting, length, or design needs. Most students have used Word for just writing essays or short answers. In terms of BLOOM’s taxonomy, this would fall low on either remembering or understanding. It is n